
Filling the landfill with items, that might have been disposed of in a better manner, in not good stewardship of our world.  Keeping toxins and trash where they belong is a better plan.  As information becomes available we will try to keep the latest data posted on this page.  Here is what we know thus far.

What, Where and When?  Styrofoam, Cardboard, Plastics and More.

In Port Townsend

Styrofoam is recycled twice each month.  At the Putnam Battery on Fort Worden clean styrofoam is usually collected on the first Tuesday and third Saturday of each month from 10:00 am to Noon. 

In Port Ludlow

Port Ludlow Styrofoam Recycling pick up - email for schedule
Time: 9:30-11:00 AM | Location: Port Ludlow Bridge Deck (on Harbor Drive: above Beach Club parking lot, 121 Marina View Drive)




Plastics Recycling in Port Townsend

Plastic Recycling Pop-Up Drop-Off - 1st and 3rd Saturdays

Pop-up Plastic Drop-offAre you ready to start recycling your plastic bottle caps and can connectors? PT Potential is now open for collections! Swing by their next drop-off event with your clean plastic items and learn how they plan to recycle them!  Join us in mitigating our pollution and working towards a more local, circular economy.
Collecting caps, lids, and can carriers.
Don't have plastic collected? Swing by anyway, we'd love to chat plastics!
Time: 2:00 - 4:00 PM | Location: Check the current schedule